Creating alpaca wool clothes requires amazing knitting abilities, lots of creativity, and passion. The women that produce Llama Corp clothes are artists and also entrepreneurs.
Soledad is another artist that has worked with alpaca for years. This art is their family tradition and heritage. She says: “This tradition has been with our family for decades. I would love to teach my kids how to knit even if they don’t want it to be their profession. I don’t want this Ecuadorian and Andean tradition to end.”
Our sweaters are not just clothes, they are a unique handmade piece of art. Dolores has been doing this profession for 26 years while teaching their daughters the indigenous tradition.
Dolores told us that: “the idea behind our products is the desire to rescue the roots and traditions of our ancestors through the creation of patterns that would tell stories. I am very grateful for the reception of the sweaters. I hope that everyone is delighted with them.”
Mercedes has been working with their family crafting alpaca sweaters for 12 years. She studies in the Universidad Catolica de Ibarra to become a nurse. Knitting is a passion for her. She told us:
” I remember when I learned how to knit with my grandmother. Thanks to her, I can help my family and support my education. Every time I knit it feels like my grandma is here with me.”
Having the chance to spread this art while creating jobs for these families fills our hearts with joy and happiness.
We love the work of these artists. We hope you will love it too!